BTI Recognizes Shook's Strong Client Relationships in 2016 Power Rankings

Shook, Hardy & Bacon has been named a Clientopia® Leader in BTI’s latest report BTI Power Rankings: The Law Firms with the Best Client Relationships. Shook’s strong relationships with manufacturing industry clients are highlighted in the report.

BTI defines Clientopia in this way: “the ideal state of a client relationship. A client who considers a law firm as both their leading primary provider and is the first firm they recommend to other legal decision makers has found Clientopia. Law firms with relationships in Clientopia are able to use their client relationships as a competitive advantage and market differentiator.”

Earlier this month, Shook was named one of the 2016 BTI Most Recommended Law Firms for the second consecutive year, and Shook was ranked in the top 10 percent of commercial litigation law firms by BTI Litigation Outlook 2016.