American Inns of Court Selects Two Shook Attorneys for Honor

The American Inns of Court has selected Shook Associates Katherine Landfried and Tyler Schwettman to join the 2023-2024 Theodore McMillian Inn of Court in St Louis. This prestigious honor is given to attorneys with goals of promoting legal excellence and civility. 

The American Inns of Court is an association of lawyers, judges, and other legal professionals from all levels and backgrounds who share a passion for professional excellence. Through the networking events, members are able to build and strengthen professional relationships, discuss pressing legal issues of the day and provide mentoring opportunities. 

Landfried and Schwettman are located in Shook’s St. Louis office which opened in 2021. The addition of the Shook St. Louis office helped grow the firm’s Environmental and Toxic Tort Litigation practices both locally and nationally. Landfried and Schwettman are a part of the effort as their practices focus on environmental and toxic tort issues.