Two Shook Partners Serve on Law360’s 2016 Editorial Boards
Online legal news provider Law360 has announced its 2016 editorial advisory board rosters. Shook, Hardy & Bacon Data Security and Privacy Co-Chair Al Saikali will serve on Law360’s 15-member Privacy & Consumer Protection Editorial Advisory Board; and Philadelphia Managing Partner Sean Wajert will serve on their 14-member Product Liability Editorial Advisory Board.
Board members’ primary charge is providing insights into current trends in their practice areas to help shape future editorial coverage. Law360’s website receives 4.7 million page views each month; more than 700,000 receive Law360’s email newsletters.
Board members’ primary charge is providing insights into current trends in their practice areas to help shape future editorial coverage. Law360’s website receives 4.7 million page views each month; more than 700,000 receive Law360’s email newsletters.