Abbott Tells ABA Journal Shook is a Leader in Legal Mentoring
In “Mentoring in the Legal Profession Has Had to Adapt to a Changing World,” the ABA Journal interviewed Ida Abbott, president of Ida Abbott Consulting, about how mentoring and sponsorship is changing in an increasingly diverse legal community. Abbott said although mentoring used to be informal, now nearly every major law firm and most midsize firms have developed formal mentoring initiatives.
Abbott identifies Shook, Hardy & Bacon as one of the leaders in leveraging mentoring as the firm has evolved. Shook has “not only invested the resources and personnel that it takes, but they have been building a foundation in their culture for many, many years,” she said. “It is not just a program. Rather, it’s a commitment to support these changes and activities by the people involved."
Kori Carew, Shook’s Director of Strategic Diversity Initiatives, and Abbott were co-panelists for “How New Approaches to Mentoring Will Produce Greater Diversity” at the Legal Diversity & Inclusiveness Conference in Denver, Colorado, May 7, 2018. Abbott is the author of Sponsoring Women: What Men Need to Know and The Lawyer’s Guide to Mentoring.