- #MeToo Movement
- The Gig Economy—Wage & Hour
- California Employment Law
Beginning Blockchain: Legal Issues and Developments in the New Smart Economy
The Tax Cuts And Jobs Act of 2017: What Does It Mean For You?
EU Class Action Reform and US Class Action Trends
The Legal and Ethical Risks of Privacy and Data Security Traps
Food + Beverage Litigation and Consumer Marketing Trends
CLE CREDITS (* pending)
California: 8.0 total (1.0 hour of Ethics)
Colorado: 7.0 total (0 hours of Ethics)
Florida: 8.0 total (1.0 hour of Ethics)
Illinois: 6.75 total (1.0 hour of Ethics)
Kansas: 8.0 total (1.0 hour of Ethics)
Missouri: 8.1 total (1.2 hours of Ethics)
Pennsylvania: 7.0 total (1.0 hour of Ethics)
Texas: 8.25 total (1.25 hours of Ethics)
Virginia*: 8.0 total (1.0 hour of Ethics)
Washington*: 5.50 total (1.0 hour of Ethics)