Corporate Counsel Reports Goldberg Hired as NAM Special Counsel for Climate Change Suits
Corporate Counsel reports that the National Association of Manufacturers (NAM) has hired Phil Goldberg, Managing Partner of Shook’s D.C. office and Co-Chair of the Public Policy Group, as special counsel to handle climate change lawsuits. Goldberg will serve as a senior outside legal adviser and spokesperson for the Manufacturers’ Accountability Project.
According to Corporate Counsel, NAM created the Project to protect its members against the rising number of climate change lawsuits filed against manufacturers and energy producers. Goldberg has authored a number of amicus curiae briefs in climate change cases involving public nuisance theory, and two state supreme courts have cited his briefs in denying the expansion of that theory of liability.
Goldberg was quoted as saying, “The NAM and its Manufacturers’ Accountability Project are the tip of the spear in the fight against the wave of unfounded public nuisance lawsuits targeting America’s manufacturers. The stakes could not be higher for manufacturers as well as the integrity of our legal system.”