Fox4 News Interviews Martucci on Executive Order to Keep Meat Processing Plants Open
Fox4 News interviewed Shook Partner Bill Martucci in a Q & A session, “Meat Processing Facilities Are Ordered to Stay Open; Legally Speaking, What Happens Next?”
Martucci, who is chair of Shook’s National Employment Litigation and Policy Practice, answered questions about President Trump’s invocation of the Defense Production Act in the midst of COVID-19 to keep meat processing plants open and the possible legal implications. Specifically, Martucci was asked if he foresaw lawsuits resulting from workers not feeling protected.
“It’s a challenging time for everyone,” Martucci, said. “We’re all kind of navigating our way through this. There may be lawsuits, but much of this, if it’s done with a lot of thoughtfulness, might be able to avoid that kind of lawsuit wave.”
Martucci also gave his insights for employers on practices for re-opening workplaces and navigating business and health issues regarding coronavirus concerns.
Martucci represents corporate employers in business and employment litigation, including the areas of employment discrimination, wage-and-hour disputes, whistleblower matters and unfair competition.