Dougherty Attends Invitation-Only Class-Action Settlement Conference
Shook, Hardy & Bacon Chicago Partner George Dougherty has been invited to attend The Duke Law Center for Judicial Studies’ class-action settlement conference in Washington D.C. on July 23-24.
The invitation-only conference is a part of the Duke Conference Bench-Bar-Academy Distinguished Lawyers' series, which is led by the Judicial Studies Center Advisory Council of litigation heads of 14 major corporations and 10 prominent plaintiff and defense lawyers.
The conference will focus on amending Rule 23 to address class-action settlement issues, capturing empirical and anecdotal information to support or challenge the proposals in the Committee’s conceptual draft or to suggest alternative approaches.
Dougherty will attend six panels on various areas of class-action and will participate in discussions with judges, practitioners and law professors.
The invitation-only conference is a part of the Duke Conference Bench-Bar-Academy Distinguished Lawyers' series, which is led by the Judicial Studies Center Advisory Council of litigation heads of 14 major corporations and 10 prominent plaintiff and defense lawyers.
The conference will focus on amending Rule 23 to address class-action settlement issues, capturing empirical and anecdotal information to support or challenge the proposals in the Committee’s conceptual draft or to suggest alternative approaches.
Dougherty will attend six panels on various areas of class-action and will participate in discussions with judges, practitioners and law professors.