Gates Calderon Discusses Plant-Based Foods at FDLI Conference
Partner Katie Gates Calderon was a panelist at the Food and Drug Law Institute (FDLI) Food Advertising, Labeling and Litigation Conference in Washington, D.C., September 13-14, 2017. Gates Calderon joined Jessica Almy, policy director at The Good Food Institute, and moderator Stuart M. Pape of Polsinelli PC, in a discussion of “Naming of Plant-Based Food Products and Standards of Identity.” The panel discussed legal issues in naming and the role of standards of identity in the ever-growing world of alternative products.
Gates Calderon, with Partner Lindsey Heinz and Associate Elizabeth Fessler, also published “Dairy Vs. Plant-Based ‘Milks’: A Regulatory Standoff,” in Law360, August 24, 2017. The article analyzed in-depth the growing market of alternative milk products, FDA’s regulatory scheme, and litigation over naming and labeling.