Law360 Quotes Shook Partner on DEA and the Hemp Industry
Partner Stephanie McGraw is quoted in the Law360 article, “DEA Involvement Remains a Headache for Hemp Industry.”
McGraw notes litigation issues that could result from U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration’s (DEA) continued role in policing the hemp industry, such as the potential fallout from the need to destroy crops that may not meet the DEA’s hemp regulations. McGraw mentions that this could lead to negligence or nuisance claims related to the resulting smoke or bad smells caused by the on-site destruction of non-compliant plants.
“We have seen these types of suits in other industries,” McGraw said, “and those could serve as a template for claims against this industry.”
McGraw represents clients in product liability, cannabis and business litigation in state and federal courts, and writes and speaks on the hemp and cannabis industries.