Avoiding and managing risk are keys to protecting the continued success of business. Leo has been instrumental in developing Shook, Hardy & Bacon’s emerging and strategic issues management philosophy and standards, working to predict and minimize risk exposure by analyzing emerging issues and future trends that could affect the capacity of business to adapt to changing legal environments. Such proactive efforts are invaluable in the timely formulation of responsive actions.

Emerging issues and future trends by definition offer a constantly shifting matrix that now embraces the issues of:

  • sustainability, including climate change, global water crisis, alternative energy and waste management;
  • biotechnology, genetics and robotics;
  • nanotechnology;
  • supply chain risk management and vulnerability assessments;
  • terrorism, security and crisis management and business resiliency;
  • product stewardship;
  • product warnings, statements and recalls;
  • protection of confidential commercial information;
  • recourse to national and international standards; and
  • global dispute resolution.

Leo has also been involved with complex issues management in support of litigation and regulatory matters. Issues management reflects an integrated approach that addresses documents, witnesses, expert witnesses, scientific literature and data, future trend analyses, current developments monitoring, legal analyses, data utilization, and website management in a coordinated fashion across litigation, regulation, public relations and dispute resolution.

Leo has been involved with mediation, arbitration, litigation and appellate review in both federal and state courts regarding regulatory and administrative matters, as well as administrative rulemakings. He has presented at CLE and professional programs and has published on current law-related issues. Leo also served as a lieutenant in the U.S. Navy. 


Author, Trade Secrets in Kansas: What Are They and How Are they Protected, 59 Kansas Bar Association Journal 23 (1990).

Author, Arbitration Under the Kansas Arbitration Act: The Role of the Courts, 59 Kansas Bar Association Journal 33 (1990).

Author, Arbitration Agreements After Volt and Browning Ferris, 38 Kansas Law Review 667 (1990).

Author, Litigation Management Proposals: Storm Clouds For Voluntary ADR?, J. Dispute Resolution 293 (1990).

Co-Author, Expert Witnesses As A Source of Proof, Missouri Bar CLE (2d ed. 1989).