Jason commits much of his practice to assisting clients and case teams with discovery-related issues. He has extensive experience advising clients on document management procedures and best practices for defensible disposition of records, document collection, review and production. Jason has coordinated large-scale document reviews and productions and managed teams responsible for fulfilling clients' electronic discovery obligations. 

Jason has a working knowledge of common company data infrastructure and significant experience with software systems designed for early case assessment, efficient document collection, culling and review. Additionally, he spends considerable time working in a consultant capacity advising clients on topics such as preservation, document collection, data management and discovery-related orders. Jason has represented clients in state and federal court during motion practice proceedings on discovery-related issues and is currently engaged in a multi-year in-house eDiscovery counsel role for a Fortune 500 Shook client.


Speaker, It’s Not Always Plain Sailing: Navigating the Next Wave of Plaintiff Discovery Tactics, Electronic Discovery Institute Leadership Summit, October 17, 2024. 

Moderator, Document Collection During a Pandemic, Association of Corporate Counsel, December 9, 2020.

Speaker, Remote Depositions, Podcast, International Legal Technology Association, August 19, 2020 (with Rebecca Schwartz and Kiran Deol).

Speaker, Rescoping Litigation Holds to Avoid Over Preservation, Electronic Discovery Institute Leadership Summit, Dove Mountain, Arizona, October 11-13, 2017. 

Panelist, How to Impress Your Supervising Partner and In-House Counsel by Understanding and Managing E-Discovery, American Bar Association 2017 Environmental & Energy, Mass Torts and Products Liability Litigation Committees' Joint CLE Seminar, January 2017.

Speaker, Telephones, Watercoolers and Playgrounds: The Changing Landscape of Electronic Data, Kansas City Young Leaders Group, December 2011.