Trent Webb is Chair of Shook’s Intellectual Property Litigation Practice Group and practices exclusively in the areas of patent, trademark, copyright and trade secret litigation. He has been lead trial counsel in more than 150 intellectual property cases and manages a practice group of more than 60 attorneys. He has successfully tried cases on behalf of plaintiffs and defendants throughout the country involving a wide range of technologies.

Trent often has represented individuals and large companies as plaintiffs in patent infringement litigation, obtaining more than $1 billion in jury verdicts and settlements on behalf of his clients. He also defends mid-sized to large companies in patent litigation, and has obtained multiple favorable defense verdicts in jury trials across the country. He and his team also have won many summary judgment and other dispositive motion victories for his clients. 

There is no substitute for a track record of trial success. Not only do Trent and his team have an enviable record of trial wins, but they pride themselves in litigation planning and developing a strategic roadmap through trial for their clients. This planning includes not only setting forth a path to victory but also establishing a clear budget to get there. This strategy keeps clients returning to the Shook IP Litigation Practice Group time and again to handle their most important intellectual property cases. 

Trent currently is serving his fourth term on the firm’s Executive Committee. Trent also serves on the Board of Trustees for Drury University.

Representative Matters

Sprint v. Time Warner Cable - Trent served as lead counsel for Sprint in a patent infringement action involving seven patents related to VoIP technology. Time Warner was represented by teams from Latham & Watkins and Arnold & Porter Kaye Scholer. After a three-week trial, the jury returned a verdict on behalf of Sprint, finding Time Warner Cable willfully infringed all asserted claims and awarding Sprint its full damages ask of $139.8 million. This was the second-largest patent verdict in the United States in 2017.

No Spill v. Scepter Canada and Scepter Mfg. – After being hired midway through the litigation, Trent was lead trial counsel for the Scepter entities in a jury trial involving two patents related to flame mitigation devices. The plaintiffs were represented by Stinson and Lewis Rice. The jury returned a verdict of non-infringement of all claims asserted against his clients following a seven day trial.

Oracle v. Rimini Street and Seth Ravin - Trent was lead trial counsel for Rimini Street and its founder, Seth Ravin, in a four-week jury trial in Las Vegas. Oracle was represented by teams from Boies Schiller and Morgan Lewis. In this case, the defendants were found at summary judgment to have infringed Oracle's copyrights, leaving for trial only the amount of copyright damages and whether the infringement was willful. In addition, Oracle had raised multiple claims related to inducement of breach and intentional interference. The jury deliberated for a full week and found the copyright infringement was innocent; in addition, defendants prevailed on all business tort claims. The jury awarded Oracle less than 15 percent of their damages request and refused to award any punitive damages. 

RLIS v. Cerner Corp. – Trent served as lead trial counsel for Cerner in a patent infringement action in the Southern District of Texas wherein RLIS, represented by Susman Godfrey and Leydig Voit, asserted two patents related to electronic medical records. After a two-week jury trial, the jury returned a verdict in Cerner’s favor on all issues, finding all asserted claims not infringed and invalid.

Sprint v. Comcast – Trent was lead trial counsel for Sprint in a patent infringement action in the District of Delaware wherein Sprint asserted two patents related to fiber optical SONET networks. Comcast was represented by Davis Polk and Winston Strawn. After a one-week jury trial, the jury returned a verdict in Sprint’s favor on all issues, finding all claims infringed by all accused networks and awarding Sprint $27.6 million, the full amount of damages requested by Sprint. Overturned on appeal.

Sprint Communications v. Vonage Holding – Trent also served as lead trial counsel for Sprint in a patent infringement action asserting a portfolio of voice over packet patents. After a three-week trial, the jury found all asserted claims were infringed and the infringement was willful. The jury awarded Sprint $69.5 million, which was at the time the largest patent verdict in Kansas history.

Kellogg v. Nike – Trent was lead counsel for Nike in patent infringement litigation, and he obtained a defense verdict for his client following a week-long jury trial.

Cerner v. Visicu – Trent was lead counsel for Cerner in a declaratory judgment action involving patents relating to remote monitoring of intensive care units. He obtained a verdict for his client following a three-week jury trial finding both asserted patents invalid and not infringed.

High Voltage Beverages v. The Coca-Cola Co. – Trent obtained a jury verdict of non-infringement of trademark on behalf of Coca-Cola in a two-week jury trial in federal court in North Carolina. 

Gen. Elec. Co. v. Power Sys. Mfg. – Trent was lead trial counsel for Power Systems Mfg. in a patent trial involving technology for emissions reducing components for industrial gas turbines brought by General Electric Company. Trent and his team obtained a complete victory for his client on both patents, wherein one patent was found to be unenforceable and the other patent found not infringed.

Core Grp. v. Sprint – Trent served as lead trial counsel for Sprint in a copyright infringement action brought by an architectural firm relating to the design of retail stores located throughout the country. He obtained a finding of no infringement and implied license despite the opposing party seeking damages in excess of $100 million.

Auge v. Stryker - Trent served as lead trial counsel for Stryker in a patent jury trial in the District of New Mexico related to suture anchoring technology. After one week of trial, the case settled very favorably for our client on the morning of closing arguments.

Digital Ally v. Taser – Lead counsel for Taser (n/k/a/ Axon Enterprise) in a patent infringement case pending in the District of Kansas related to body camera technology. Prevailed on summary judgment of no infringement.

Infernal Technology, LLC v. Activision Blizzard, Inc. – Lead counsel for Activision Blizzard in a patent infringement case pending in the Northern District of Texas involving video game technologies. Prevailed on summary judgment motion of no infringement.

University of Pittsburgh v. Cochlear – Lead counsel for Cochlear in a patent infringement case pending in the Western District of Texas related to hearing implant technology.

Alstom Grid, Inc. v. Certified Measurement – Lead counsel for Alstom Grid in the District of Delaware involving a declaratory judgment in a patent infringement case. 

Dominion v. Alstom Grid, Inc. – Lead counsel for Alstom Grid in a patent infringement case in the Eastern District of Pennsylvania involving smart-grid technologies.

ThinkTank One Research, LLC v. Energizer Holdings, Inc. – Lead counsel for Energizer in a patent infringement case in the Eastern District of Texas, Marshall Division, involving power management of LED flashlights. 

Twilio, Inc. v. TeleSign Corp. – Lead counsel for TeleSign in a patent case in the Northern District of California involving two-factor authentication security technology.

GAT v. Activision – Lead counsel for Blizzard in defense of a patent infringement suit in the Central District of California involving three patents relating to video game technology. Prevailed in IPR.

GAT v. Riot – Lead counsel for Blizzard in defense of a patent infringement suit in the Central District of California involving three patents relating to video game technology. Prevailed in IPR.

Ironburg v. Valve – Lead counsel for Valve in patent infringement litigation in the Western District of Washington involving video game controller technology. 

St. Luke's Technologies v. Cerner – Lead counsel for Cerner in a patent infringement case in the Eastern District of Texas involving database technology.

Garmin Corp. v. Navico – Lead counsel for Garmin in a competitor dispute in the District of Kansas involving auto-routing marine technologies. The case settled on favorable terms.

Paltalk v. Valve – Lead counsel for Valve in patent infringement litigation in the Western District of Washington involving multiplayer online video game technology.

Thompson, Darrell v. Stryker – Lead counsel for Stryker in patent infringement, trade secret, correction of inventorship, and unjust enrichment claims in the Western District of Tennessee involving CPR device with positioning apparatus.

Pharmgate v. Zoetis, Inc. – Lead counsel for Zoetis in 12-patent litigation asserting infringement claims in the District of Minnesota relating to PCV2 vaccines. The case settled on favorable terms.

Strange Music, Inc. v. Strainge Entertainment, LLC – Lead counsel for Tech N9ne's Strange Music company in a trademark infringement case in the Western District of Missouri involving a competing hip-hop label. Shortly after the case was filed, the defendant ceased use of mark and the case settled.

CliniComp v. Cerner – Lead counsel for Cerner in patent infringement matter pending in the Southern District of California involving a patent directed to electronic medical records. Shook also represents Cerner in a related IPR proceeding in which Cerner is challenging the validity of CliniComp's patent.

Acceleration Bay v. Activision Blizzard – Lead counsel for Activision Blizzard in patent litigation in the District of Delaware involving video game technology. 

Sprint Communications, Inc. v. Mediacom Communications – Lead counsel for Sprint in patent litigation in the District of Delaware involving patents relating to voice over patent technology.

Bosh v. The Coca-Cola Company – Lead counsel for The Coca-Cola Company in copyright infringement case in the District of Puerto Rico involving a Coca-Cola advertisement that allegedly copied the plaintiffs' musical composition. Shook obtained a favorable settlement on behalf of all defendants. 

Sprint Communications, Inc. v. TPG Global, LLC – Lead counsel for Sprint in patent litigation in the District of Delaware involving patents relating to voice over packet technology.

Sprint Communications v. Atlantic Broadband – Lead counsel for Sprint in patent litigation in the District of Delaware involving patents relating to voice over packet technology.

Sprint Communications, Inc. v. WideOpenWest, Inc. – Lead counsel for Sprint in patent litigation in the District of Delaware involving patents relating to voice over packet technology.

Sprint Communications, Inc. v. Frontier – Lead counsel for Sprint in patent litigation in the District of Delaware involving patents relating to voice over packet technology.

Burris v. Garmin – Lead counsel for Garmin for alleged patent infringement in the District of Oregon involving autocorrecting bow sight.

Junifer Hall v. Hallmark Cards, Inc. – Lead counsel for Hallmark Cards for alleged copyright infringement in the Northern District of Indiana involving greeting cards. Obtained dismissal with prejudice.

Omega Flex, Inc., v. Ward Manufacturing LLC – Lead counsel for Ward Manufacturing in patent infringement litigation in the District of Delaware involving fluid piping technology.

Fall Line Patents, LLC v. AMC Entertainment – Lead counsel for AMC in patent infringement case in the Eastern District of Texas involving mobile application technology. 

Byteborne Technologies, Ltd. v. eBay Inc. – Lead counsel for eBay in the District of Delaware involving a patent related to facilitating anonymous communications between devices. The case was dismissed with prejudice after eBay filed a motion to dismiss for lack of patent-eligible subject matter.

Sprint Communications, Inc. v. Altice VOD – Lead counsel for Sprint in patent litigation in the District of Delaware involving video-on-demand technologies.

Consolidated Transaction Processing, LLC v. eBay Inc. – Lead counsel for eBay in patent litigation in the District of Delaware involving a set of e-commerce patents. 

Monsanto v. DuPont Pioneer – Trent was lead counsel for DuPont Pioneer in a patent infringement case involving 16 patents related to seed sorting and laser chipping technology in the Eastern District of Missouri.

Elec. Power Grp. v. Alstom – Trent was lead counsel for Alstom in a patent infringement case in the Central District of California. His team prevailed on summary judgment, obtaining a finding that asserted the patent was invalid.

ConAgra v. Archer Daniels Midland – Trent served as lead counsel for ConAgra in a patent infringement case involving multiple patents relating to white whole wheat flour.

Ethox Chemical Co., LLC v. The Coca-Cola Company –Lead counsel for The Coca-Cola Company in the District of South Carolina involving alleged trade secret theft of gas barrier additive technology and a related patent inventorship claim. Shook prevailed in the case by obtaining a judgment of no damages, which was affirmed on appeal by the Federal Circuit. 

SimpleAir v. Microsoft – Trent served as lead counsel for Microsoft in a push notifications technology case in the Eastern District of Texas. The case was favorably resolved in favor of Microsoft.

McDavid v. Nike – Trent was lead counsel for Nike in a patent infringement case involving padded athletic apparel in the Northern District of Illinois. The case was favorably resolved in favor of Nike. 

Arczar v. Sony Comput. Entm't Am. – Trent was lead counsel in a patent infringement case involving video game technology in the Eastern District of Texas.

Planet Blue v. Sony Comput. Entm't Am. – Trent was lead counsel in a patent infringement case in the District of Delaware involving video game technology.

Sprint v. Comcast – Trent served as lead counsel for Sprint involving patent litigation involving 12 patents relating to voice over packet technology in the District Court of Kansas.

Sprint v. CableOne – Trent was lead counsel for Sprint in patent litigation involving 12 patents relating to voice over packet technology in the District Court of Kansas.

Sprint v. Cox Commc'ns – Trent was lead trial counsel for Sprint in patent litigation involving 12 patents relating to voice over packet technology in the District Court of Delaware.

Garmin v. TomTom – Trent was lead counsel for Garmin in two actions asserting navigation and global positioning patents. The case was favorably resolved in favor of Garmin.

Reebok v. Nike – Trent was lead counsel for Nike in a patent infringement case in the Eastern District of Texas involving shoe technology.

Walker Digital v. Activision – Trent was lead counsel for Activision in a patent case in the District of Delaware. This case was favorably resolved in favor of Activision.

Digital Packet Licensing v. Sprint – Trent served as lead counsel for Sprint in patent litigation involving speech compression technology.

Accent Packaging v. Leggett & Platt – Trent was lead counsel for Leggett in a patent infringement case filed in the Southern District of Texas.

Medical Monitoring v. Cerner – Trent was lead counsel for Cerner in a patent infringement case involving medical monitoring technology.

Rider v. Garmin – Trent served as lead counsel for Garmin in a trade secret case.

BMG v. Gonzalez – Trent successfully represented the recording industry in the first-ever appellate case involving claims of copyright infringement against infringers using peer-to-peer systems.

Sprint v. NuVox Commc'ns – Trent successfully represented Sprint in a patent infringement action involving VoIP technology.

Realtime v. Sprint, Clearwire – Trent was lead counsel for Sprint and Clearwire in a telecommunications patent case in the Eastern District of Texas.

Sprint v. Paetec – Trent successfully represented Sprint in a patent infringement action involving VoIP technology.

Sprint v. Big River Communications – Trent successfully represented Sprint in a patent infringement action involving VoIP technology.

Hochstein v. Sony Computer Entertainment America – Trent was lead counsel for Sony in patent infringement litigation involving multiple patents relating to online video game technology.

Stryker Medical v. Monster Medic – Trent served as lead counsel for Stryker in a patent infringement matter in the Eastern District of Wisconsin.

Tanel v. Nike – Trent was lead counsel for Nike in a trademark infringement action in Oregon.

Marshall Packaging v. Coca-Cola Co. – Trent was lead counsel for The Coca-Cola Company in a patent infringement action in the Eastern District of Texas.

Nalco v. Alstom – Trent served as lead counsel for Alstom in a patent infringement action relating to mercury emissions reduction technology.

SP Techs. v. Garmin – Trent was lead counsel for Garmin in a patent infringement case involving navigation technology.

Wall Wireless v. Sony Comput. Entm't Am. – Trent served as lead counsel for Sony in a patent infringement case in the Eastern District of Texas.

Uniloc v. Activision Blizzard – Trent was lead counsel for Activision Blizzard in a patent case dealing with product activation technology in the Eastern District of Texas.

Document Generation v. Cerner – Trent was lead counsel for Cerner in two patent infringement cases relating to electronic medical records.

E-Data v. Hallmark Cards – Trent successfully represented Hallmark in patent infringement litigation relating to a patent involving systems for reproducing data at remote points of sale.

NISTAC v. Ford – Trent served as lead counsel for Ford in a patent infringement action in the Eastern District of Texas relating to piston coating technology.

C2 v. Sprint Nextel - Trent was lead counsel for Sprint in patent litigation in the Eastern District of Texas involving transport interface technology.

First Media v. Sony Comput. Entm't Am. – Trent was lead counsel for Sony in a patent infringement action in Nevada regarding gaming technology.

PNI v. Garmin – Trent successfully represented Garmin in patent infringement litigation relating to electronic compass technology.

Child Protect v. Virgin Mobile – Trent was lead counsel for Virgin Mobile in a patent case relating to location-based services technology in the Eastern District of Texas.

Billingnetwork v. Vitalworks – Trent served as lead counsel for the defendant in connection with patent litigation relating to healthcare electronic billing technology. The asserted patent was found invalid.

PalmTop Prods. v. Six Flags – Trent was lead counsel for PalmTop in patent infringement litigation involving virtual queuing technology resulting in a significant settlement for his clients.

Hallmark Cards v. Dollar General – Trent successfully represented Hallmark in copyright infringement litigation involving multiple gift bag designs and artwork.

Webmap v. Nike – Trent was lead counsel for Nike in a patent case in the Eastern District of Texas.

Trinity Indus. v. Interstate Steel  – Trent successfully represented Interstate Steel Corporation in patent litigation involving multiple patents concerning highway safety devices and processes in which damages in excess of $80 million were sought.

Brumley v. Sony Music Entm't. – Trent successfully represented Sony Music Entertainment and musical group the Dixie Chicks in connection with claims of copyright infringement involving one of the most successful CDs in country music history.

Frosty Treats v. Sony Comput. Entm't Am. – Trent successfully represented Sony in trademark, trade dress and defamation claims concerning multiple Playstation video games. His client was found not to have infringed the alleged trademark and the victory was affirmed by the Eighth Circuit.

Freeman v. The First Years – Trent represented multiple plaintiffs in patent infringement litigation involving child care products, resulting in a seven-figure settlement for his clients.

Phontel Commc'ns v. Southwestern Bell – Trent successfully represented Southwestern Bell in patent infringement litigation involving multiple patents concerning telecommunications technology.

Coulter v. Hematronix – Trent successfully represented Hematronix in patent infringement litigation involving multiple patents concerning hematology reagents and instrumentation and antitrust claims.

Marshalltown v. Lowe Home Ctrs. – Trent successfully represented Marshalltown in patent infringement litigation involving multiple patents relating to tool technology.


Resolving Patent Disputes, Roundtable, Financier Worldwide, August 2019.


VOIP, 60 Seconds of Legal Science, Shook, Hardy & Bacon, July, 25, 2019.